Workshop German and Philippine partners from science, local government and social organisations  | Photo: University of the Philippines Diliman
Workshop German and Philippine partners from science, local government and social organisations | Photo: University of the Philippines Diliman

07.12.17 | Around 13 million people currently live in the area of Metro Manila, which comprises a total of 17 cities, and are increasingly affected by growing air pollution through emissions from taxis (so-called jeepneys) and ship traffic. Pollution with aerosols such as black carbon is highly harmful to health. At the University of the Philippines Diliman a consortium of German and Philippine partners from science, local government and social organisations recently discussed research approaches as well as governance and mitigation mechanisms regarding air pollution in Metro Manila.

The transdisciplinary workshop took into account different perspectives from natural, social and health sciences. It was organized by Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Head of Social Sciences and the Working Group for Knowledge and Developmental Sociology at the ZMT, together with Prof. Alfred Wiedensohler from the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) and partners from the Ateneo de Manila, De La Salle University and the University of the Philippines. The event served to further define a transdisciplinary proposal for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Prof. Hornidge coordinates the social science part of the project.