Rebecca Lahl (Head of the Office for Knowledge Exchange), Hildegard Westphal (Scientific Director of ZMT), Karin von Loebenstein (GIZ Ecuador), Diego Inclan (Director of the Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad - INABIO), Karin Springer (University of Bremen) and Andrés Factos (Environmental Ministry Ecuador)

12/09/2019 | Ecuador is a megadiverse country. However, despite its high biodiversity, fragile ecosystems are threatened by overuse, pollution and land use change. In order to find solutions and put research results into practice, GIZ supports application-oriented research cooperation between Ecuador and Germany in the field of biodiversity. The delegation from Ecuador acquired an overview of the research at the ZMT and discussed new cooperation between ZMT and Ecuadorian research partners.

The Ecuadorian partners were particularly interested in concepts, strategies and tools for the transfer of knowledge from science into politics, society and practice. Rebecca Lahl presented the role and tasks of the Office for Knowledge Exchange and the new transfer strategy of the ZMT. Jialin Zhang shared practical experiences on knowledge exchange and Citizen Science from the TICAS project in China. Diego Inclan discussed the national research agenda on biodiversity and cooperation opportunities with the various coastal and marine research institutions in Ecuador with interested scientists from ZMT.