In Focus
Artificial intelligence (AI) Allows Peering into the Deep: High-Resolution 3D Tracking of Coral Reef Fish
A study by the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) is employing new methods in coral reef research. Under the leadership of fish ecologist Dr Julian Lilkendey, an international research team utilised innovative AI technologies to...
Biodiversity in the open ocean – a European monitoring project at ZMT
Biodiversity is challenging to observe and assess in the open ocean, which is vast and difficult to access. The European research project "Monitoring the Open-Ocean Biodiversity with Fishers" (MOOBYF) is now pursuing a new strategy for which it...
Study by Oeko-Institut and ZMT: Contributions of marine ecosystems to CO2 storage and biodiversity
Seagrass meadows, mangrove forests and salt marshes can absorb and store up to 216 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere worldwide every year. Over centuries to millennia, they form an enormous carbon store of up to 22,000 million...
ZMT Wednesday Lunch Seminars: Summer Series on Modelling
Earth system modelling will be a focus at ZMT over the course of the summer with a recently launched seminar series on the topic. Scientific director Raimund Bleischwitz has invited renowned experts in the field to give talks at ZMT.
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