ZMT offers families the opportunity to  use the parent-child room when bringing children to work | Photo: Jan Meier, ZMT
ZMT offers families the opportunity to use the parent-child room when bringing children to work | Photo: Jan Meier, ZMT

The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) supports a sustainable work-life balance through various measures. In 2018, the institute was certified for its family friendliness by the external audit berufundfamilie (working life and family). After the first certification in 2018, ZMT now successfully underwent the re-auditing process, during which the status quo of the existing family- and life-phase-conscious measures were reviewed and the compatibility policy and culture at ZMT were deepened.

ZMT already offers its more than 150 employees a wide range of options for reconciling work and family life. This includes very extensive flexibility in the organisation of working hours and the place of work. There is a good exchange between the employees, in which compatibility issues are also discussed. Staff development is supported by mentoring, and there is an increased focus on leisure and health activities. ZMT provides day-care places for its employees and offers families the opportunity to bring their children to work and to use the parent-child room.

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More information:

ZMT short portrait audit working life and family (in German only)

Zertifikat zum audit working life and family (in German only)


The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) has been awarded the "audit berufundfamilie" certificate for the third time for its family and life-phase-conscious personnel policy. The renewed certifcation shows that measures such as flexible working hours, mobile working and health programmes have become an integral part of the institute's culture in the six years since the initial certification. On 18 June 2024, more than 300 organisations were successfully audited for their strategic commitment to promoting work-life balance. ZMT is one of the 64 institutions that have been awarded a third certificate.

BM LisaPaus 2Copyright angeben Jens Schicke berufundfamilie Service GmbH web

Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus MdB at the 26th certificate award ceremony | Photo: Jens Schicke, berufundfamilie Service GmbH


In 2021, the awarding of the certificate took place online due to the pandemic. Around 300 companies, institutions and universities that successfully completed the audit berufundfamilie or audit familiengerechte in the previous twelve months were honoured at the certificate online event organised by berufundfamilie Service GmbH.

This year, the ZMT took part in a photo campaign organised by the event organisers and shows the project team in a photo gallery of the awarded institutions


ZMT Projketteam Zertifikat audit beruf und familie klein

The project team "audit berufundfamilie" at ZMT: Dr. Janine Reinhard, Dr. Donata Monien (project head) annd Elke Kasper.
Photo: Matej Meza, ZMT

After certification by the audit berufundfamilie, the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Research Marine (ZMT) received the award 'AUSGEZEICHNET FAMILIENFREUNDLICH' acknowledging family-friendly working environments by Bremen's Senator for Children and Education, Claudia Bogedan, and the association 'Impulsgeber Zukunft e.V.'

ZMT women's representative, Donata Monien, received the certificate at Bremen's town hall in October 2018.

Auszeichnung Rathaus Monien Bogedan