Martin Zimmer

Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmer

Programme Area lead (PA 4) Working Group Leader, Professor for Mangrove Ecology (University of Bremen)

Phone: +49 (0)421 23800 - 161

Fax: +49 (0)421 23800 - 30

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office: Wiener Str. 7
28359 Bremen
Room: 5309 (3rd floor)

Research interests

- Mangrove ecology
- Coastal and intertidal ecosystems
- Decomposition processes
- Nutrient fluxes & spatial subsidies
- Food webs
- Biotic interactions, including herbivory & predation, competition & facilitation, symbiosis & animal-microbe interactions
- Environmental change and its ecological consequences
- Community ecology & species distribution
- Ecosystem processes & services
- Knowledge-based conservation

Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmer

Publications related to ZMT

Articles in peer-reviewed journals


Ouyang X, Kristensen E, Thornber C, Zimmer M, Yang Z, Lee SY. 2023. Response of macrophyte litter decomposition in global blue carbon ecosystems to climate change. Global Change Biology 00: 1–15.



Zimmer M, Ajonina GN, Amir AA, Cragg S, Crooks S, Dahdouh-Guebas F, Duke N, Fratini S, Friess DA, Helfer V, Huxham M, Kathiresan K, Kodikara KAS, Koedam N, Lee SY, Mangora MM, Primavera J, Satyanarayana B, Yong JWH, Wodehouse D. 2022. When nature needs a helping hand: different levels of human intervention for mangrove (re-)establishment. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5: 784322 (

Zimmer M, Helfer V. 2022. Mangrove forests – a nature-based solution for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Rural21 56: 23-25.



Albrecht OT, Glaser M, Zimmer M. 2021. Are crab-collectors in mangroves of Northern Brazil (PA) optimal foragers? Wetlands (in press)

Quadros AF, Helfer V, Nordhaus I, Reuter H, Zimmer M. 2021. Functional traits of terrestrial plants in the intertidal: A review on mangrove trees. Biological Bulletin (in press).

Zimmer M, Kimeli A. 2021. Mangroven als Sedimentfallen und Küstenschützer. Geographische Rundschau 7/8: 26-31.

Rahman MM, Zimmer M, Ahmed I, Donato D, Kanzaki M, Xu M. 2021. Co-benefits of protecting mangroves for biodiversity conservation and carbon storage. Nature Communications 12: 3875 (

Forgeron SJ, Quadros AF, Zimmer M. 2021. Crab-driven processing does not explain leaf litter-deposition in mangrove crab burrows. Ecology & Evolution 11: 8856-8862 (

Gutting R, Syrbe R-U, Grunewald K, Mehlig U, Helfer V, Zimmer M. 2021. The benefits of combining global and local data – a showcase for valuation and mapping of mangrove climate regulation and food provisioning services within a protected area in Pará, North Brazil. Land 10: 432 (

Pradisty NA, Amir AA, Zimmer M. 2021. Plant species‑ and stage‑specific differences in microbial decay of mangrove leaf litter: the older the better? Oecologia 195: 843-858 (



Dahdouh-Guebas F, Ajonina GN, Amir AA, Andradi-Brown DA, Aziz I, Balke T, Barbier EB, Cannicci S, Cragg SM, Cunha-Lignon M, Curnick DJ, Duarte CM, Duke NC, Endsor C, Fratini S, Feller IC, Fromard F, Hugé J, Huxham M, Kairo JG, Kajita T, Kathiresan K, Koedam N, Lee SY, Lin H-J, Mackenzie JR, Mangora MM, Marchand C, Meziane T, Minchinton TE, Pettorelli N, Polanía J, Polgar G, Poti M, Primavera J, Quarto A, Rog SM, Satyanarayana B, Schaeffer-Novelli Y, Spalding M, Van der Stocken T, Wodehouse D, Yong JWH, Zimmer M, Friess DA. 2020. Public perceptions of mangrove forests matter for their conservation. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 7: 603651. (doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.603651)

Allard SM, Costa MT, Bulseco AN, Helfer V, Wilkins LGE, Hassenrück C,Zengler K, Zimmer M, Erazo N, Mazza Rodrigues JL, Duke N, Melo VMM, Vanwonterghem I, Junca H, Makonde HM, Jiménez DJ, Tavares TCL, Fusi M, Daffonchio D, Duarte CM, Peixoto RS, Rosado AS, Gilbert JA, Bowman J. 2020. Introducing the Mangrove Microbiome Initiative: Identifying microbial research priorities and approaches to better understand, protect, and rehabilitate mangrove ecosystems. mSystems 5(5): e00658-20. (

Perdomo Trujillo LV, Mançera Pineda JE, Medina Calderon JH, Zimmer M, Schnetter M-L. 2020. Massive loss of aboveground biomass and its effect on sediment organic carbon concentration: Less mangrove, more carbon? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science:

Saavedra-Hortua DA, Friess DA, Zimmer M, Gillis LG. 2020. Sources of particulate organic matter across mangrove forests and adjacent ecosystems in different geomorphic settings. Wetlands: Wetlands 40: 1047-1059. (

Khan WR, Nazre M, Zulkifli SZ, Mohamad Roslan MK, Zimmer M. 2020. Risk assessment of heavy metal concentrations in sediments of Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR). Tropical Conservation Science (in press).



Gillis LG, Hortua DAS, Zimmer M, Jennerjahn TC, Herbeck LS. 2019. Interactive effects of temperature and nutrients on mangrove seedling growth and implications for establishment. Marine Environmental Research (online first:

Curnick DJ, Pettorelli N, Amir AA, Balke T, Barbier EB, Crooks S, Dahdouh-Guebas F, Duncan C, Endsor C, Friess DA, Quarto A, Zimmer M, Lee SY. 2019. The value of small mangrove patches. Science 363 (6424): 239.

Gillis LG, Snavely E, Lovelock C, Zimmer M. 2019. Effects of crab burrows on sediment characteristics in a Ceriops australis-dominated mangrove forest. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science 218: 334-339.

Quadros AF, Nordhaus I, Reuter H, Zimmer M. 2019. Modelling of mangrove annual leaf litterfall with emphasis on the role of vegetation structure. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science 218: 292-299.

Le Minor M, Bartzke G, Zimmer M, Gillis LG, Helfer V, Huhn K. 2019. Numerical modelling of hydraulics and sediment dynamics around mangrove seedlings: Implications for mangrove establishment and reforestation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 217: 81-95.

Aljbour SM, Zimmer M, Al-Horani FA, Kunzmann A. 2019. Metabolic and oxidative stress responses of the jellyfish Cassiopea changes in seawater temperature. Journal of Sea Research 145: 1-7.



Khan WR, Nazre M, Zulkifli SZ, Kudus KA, Zimmer M,  Roslan MK, Mukhtar A, Mostapa R, Gandaseca S. 2018. Reflection of stable isotopes and selected elements with the inundation gradient at the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR), Malaysia. International Forestry Review 19 (S3): 1-10.

Vierus T, Gehrig S, Brunnschweiler JM, Glaus K, Zimmer M, Marie AD, Rico C. 2018. Discovery of a multispecies shark aggregation and parturition area in the Ba Estuary, Fiji Islands. Ecology & Evolution: 10.1002/ece3.4230



Quadros AF, Zimmer M. 2017. Dataset of “true mangroves” plant species traits. Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e22089.

Al-jbour SM, Zimmer M, Kunzmann A. 2017. Cellular respiration, oxygen consumption, and trade-offs of the jellyfish Cassiopea sp. in response to temperature change. Journal of Sea Research 128: 92-97.

Bakkar T, Helfer V, Himmelsbach R, Zimmer M. 2017. Chemical changes in detrital matter upon digestive processes in a sesarmid crab feeding on mangrove leaf litter. Hydrobiologia 803: 307-315.

Pestana DF, Pülmanns N, Nordhaus I, Diele K, Zimmer M. 2017. The influence of crab burrows on sediment salinity in a Rhizophora-dominated mangrove forest in North Brazil during the dry season. Hydrobiologia 803: 295-305.

Belshe EF, Matteo MA, Gillis LG, Zimmer M, Teichberg M. 2017. Muddy waters: Unintentional consequences of blue carbon research obscure our understanding of organic carbon dynamics in seagrass ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 4: 125.



Gillis LG, Zimmer M, Bouma TJ. 2016. Mangrove leaf transportation: Do mimic Avicennia and Rhizophora roots retain or donate leaves? Marine Ecology Progress Series 551: 107-115.

Vermeiren P, Munoz C, Zimmer M, Sheaves M. 2016. Hierarchical toolbox: Ensuring scientific accuracy of citizen science for tropical coastal ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 66: 242-250.



Cragg SM, Beckham GT, Bruce NC, Bugg TDH, Distel DL, Dupree P, Green Etxabe A, Goodell BS, Jellison J, McGeehan JE, McQueen-Mason SJ, Schnorr K, Walton PH, Watts JEM, Zimmer M. 2015. Lignocellulose degradation mechanisms across the Tree of Life. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 29: 108-119.

Hübner L, Pennings SC, Zimmer M. 2015. Sex- and habitat-specific movement of an omnivorous semi-terrestrial crab controls habitat connectivity and subsidies: A multi-parameter approach. Oecologia 178: 999-1015.


Contributions to academic books and edited volumes


Zimmer M. 2022. Mangrove Forests: Structure, Diversity, Ecosystem Processes and Threats. In: Junk W, Wittman F (eds). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Second Edition. Elsevier. 116-127. (



Zimmer M. 2021. Der Schutz von Mangroven und Küstenvegetation wirkt dem Klimawandel entgegen. In: Lozán JL, Breckle S-W, Graßl H, Kasang D (Eds). Warnsignal Klima: Boden & Landnutzung: 295-301 (DOI:1 0.25592/warnsignal.klima.boden-landnutzung.49)



Le Minor M, Zimmer M, Helfer V, Gillis LG, Huhn K. 2020. Flow and sediment dynamics around structures in mangrove ecosystems - modeling perspective. In: Sidik F, Friess D (Eds). Dynamik sedimentary environments of mangrove coasts. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 83-120.

Zimmer M, Helfer V. 2020. Quantity and quality of organic matter in mangrove sediments. In: Sidik F, Friess D (Eds). Dynamik sedimentary environments of mangrove coasts. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 369-391.

Graça MAS, Zimmer M. 2020. Physical litter properties: leaf toughness and tensile strength. In: Bärlocher F, Gessner MO, Graça MAS (Eds). Methods to study litter decomposition – a practicle guide 2nd edition. Springer: 187-193.

Zimmer M. 2020. Cellulases. In: Bärlocher F, Gessner MO, Graça MAS (Eds). Methods to study litter decomposition – a practicle guide 2nd edition. Springer: 397-403.

Zimmer M. 2020. Phenol oxidation. In: Bärlocher F, Gessner MO, Graça MAS (Eds). Methods to study litter decomposition – a practicle guide 2nd edition. Springer: 433-437.



Zimmer M. 2019. Detritus. In: Jorgensen SE, Fath BD (ed). Encyclopedia of Ecology 2nd edition, Volume 3. Elsevier: 292-301.



Helfer V, Zimmer M. 2018. High-throughput techniques as support for knowledge-based spatial conservation prioritization in mangrove ecosystems. In: Makowski C, Finkl CW (eds). Threats to Mangrove Forests: Hazards, Vulnerability and Management. Springer: 539-554.

Zimmer M. 2018. Ecosystem Design: when mangrove ecology meets human needs. In: Makowski C, Finkl CW (eds). Threats to Mangrove Forests: Hazards, Vulnerability and Management. Springer: 367-376.



Saint-Paul U, Zimmer M. 2017. Mangroven – Wälder zwischen Land und Meer. In: Hempel G, Bischof K, Hagen W (Eds). Faszination Meeresforschung. Springer-Verlag. 291-302.



Zimmer M, Helfer V. 2016. Biodiversität, Ökosystemprozesse und Ökosystemleistungen. In: Lozán JL, Breckle S-W, Müller R, Rachor E (Eds). Warnsignal Klima: Die Biodiversität. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen. 297-302.



Zimmer M, Hammann S. 2014. Detritus-feeders. – in: Watling L, Thiel M (eds) Life styles and feeding biology (Volume 2 in the Series The Natural History of the Crustacea). Oxford University Press: New York. 479-501.



Stakeholder publications


Zimmer M, Helfer V. 2022. Mangrove forests - a nature-based solution for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Rural21 56: 23-25.



Mangrove Specialist Group. 2020. Pause before you plant. White Paper for Stakeholders and Policy-Makers.



Bertrand A, Zimmer M & Consortium of WP2 of PADDLE. 2019. Report on tropical marine ecosystem dynamics in the last decade. PADDLE-Report WP2-D2.1



Zimmer M. 2018. Alike but distinct: mangrove forests worldwide. In: Hempel G, Hempel I, Hornidge A.K (eds). Scientific partnersip for a better future: Bremen’s research along tropical coasts. Edition Falkenberg. 76-79.



Zimmer M. 2017. Mangrovenwälder weltweit. In: Hempel G, Hempel I, Hornidge A-K (eds). Klüger nutzen – besser schützen: Bremer Forschung an tropischen Küsten. Edition Falkenberg. 130-133.


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