Matthias Birkicht

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Birkicht

Technician (Chemistry Laboratory)

Phone: +49 (0)421 23800 - 34

Fax: +49 (0)421 23800 - 30

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office: Fahrenheitstr. 6, Main Building
28359 Bremen
Room: 1109 (1st floor)

Personal Data

Working areas

- Continious Flow Analysis: nutrients in fresh-, brackish- and seawater.
- Elemental Analysis: (CN) of soil, sediment and organic material.
- Determination of DOC and TDNb.
- Fluorimetry:
Multipigment Determination (Ca, Cb, Cc, Pa, Pb, Pc2) from raw extracts without identification.
Ammonium Determination
Determination of Glivin
- Photometry:
Tri- and Monochromatic Determination of algeal pigments.
Determination of Biogenic Opal.
Determination of Glivin
- Oceanography:
Determination of Salinity, pH, Turbidity, Temperature, Seston, Triton, Oxygen, Redox, Sulfide, TA, Calcium.
- Granulometry:
Sieve Analysis
Amino-Acid-Determination with LPLC


Peer-reviewed journals

Birkicht, M. (2003) Silizium - Indikator der Produktivität und des Klimageschehens der Erdgeschichte. GIT-Labor-Fachzeitschrift, Darmstadt.

Dittmar, T.; Birkicht, M. (2001) Regeneration of nutrients in the northern Benguela upwelling and the Angola-Benguela Front areas. South African Journal of Science, 97 (5/6): 239-245.

Chaves, J.; Birkicht, M. (1996) Equatorial subsurface water and the nutrient seasonality distribution of the Gulf of Nicroya, Costa Rica. Revista de biologia tropical 44(suplemento 3): 41-47.