Nancy Oduor

Nancy Oduor

Doctoral Candidate

+49 (0)421 23800 - 0

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 6, Annexe
28359 Bremen
Room: 2214 (2nd floor)

Research interests

My key research interests include:
-Environmental conservation and management
-Water quality assessment and monitoring
-Marine pollution, particularly microplastics and ghost gear
-Sea turtle habitat conservation and restoration
-Community-based natural resource management
-Coastal ecosystem health and biodiversity
-Climate change impacts on coastal environments
-Mangrove conservation and restoration
-Harmful algal blooms and water quality
-Environmental education and community engagement
-Sustainable fisheries management
-Coastal development impacts on marine ecosystems
-Science Communication


  1. Oduor, N.A. et al. (2024) ‘Potentially Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Causing Species in Kenya’s Coastal Waters: Diversity, Distribution and Effect Implication’. Preprints of the pevious version available at:
  2. Oduor, N. A., Imbayi, K. L., Mulusa, V. O., Odhiambo, M., & Nyanjong’, E. (2024). Domoic acid (DA), Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST), the abundance of potential DA and PST microalgae causative agents and environmental data in Kenya’s coastal waters in July 2022. PANGAEA Data      Publisher for     Earth    &         Environmental             Science.
  3. Oduor, Nancy A., Munga, C., Kiteresi, L., Botwe, P. K., Nyanjong’, E., Muthama, C., Agesa, N., & Moosdorf, N. (2024). Anthropogenic nutrients and phytoplankton diversity in Kenya’s coastal waters: An ecological health assessment of sea turtle foraging sites. Journal of Environmental             Management,    199(October      2023),             1–38.
  4. Oduor, N.A., Cristina, S.C. and Costa, P. (2023) ‘Sources of anthropogenic nutrients and their implications on nutrient chemistry and ecological conditions of Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal’, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 61, p. 102843. Available at: .
  5. Oduor, Nancy A, Munga, C. N., Ong’anda, H. O., Botwe, P. K., & Moosdorf, N. (2023). A review of nutrients and harmful algal blooms in Kenya’s coastal and marine waters. Ocean & Coastal Management, 233 (December             2022),   106454.
  6. Okello, C., Oduor, N., Owato, G., Mutiso, J., Owuor, M., & Tuda, A. (2022). Assessment of land-based pollution problems in Kenyan marine environments to facilitate adaptive management of coral reef systems. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 1/2022, 75–90.
  7. Nchimbi, A. A., Kosore, C. M., Oduor, N., Shilla, D. J., Shashoua, Y., Khan, F. R., & Shilla, D. A. (2022). Microplastics in Marine Nearshore Surface Waters of Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar, East Africa. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 109(6), 1037–1042.
  8. Book Chapter - García, O. G. Z., Ana Carolina Esteves Dias, R. A. S., Oduor, N., Woltrich, A. E., M., N., Grilli6, A. A.-F., Zamora García, O. G., Carolina, A., Dias, E., Santos, R. A., Oduor, N., Woltrich, A. E., Grilli, N. M., & Aranda-Fragoso, A. (2022). Chapter 3: Transdisciplinarity for the Oceans: integrating science for solving social-environmental conflicts. In Challenges in Ocean Governance in the Views of Early Career Scientists (pp. 59–81).
  9. Ochieng Okuku, E., Linet Imbayi, K., Gilbert Omondi, O., Veronica Ogolla Wayayi, W., Catherine Sezi, M., Mokeira Maureen, K., Mwangi, S., & Oduor, N. A. (2019). Decadal Pollution Assessment and Monitoring along the Kenya Coast. In Monitoring of Marine Pollution:      Vol.      i (Issue IntechOpen, p.   13).      IntechOpen.
  10. 10.   J., Hollander, Linden O, Gudka M., Duncan M. I., Obura D., James N., Bhagooli R., Nyanapah J., Onyango C., Duvane J., Louis Y., Ngotho D., Mvungi E., Mamboya F., George R., Hamad H., Issa Hamisi M., Adeleke B., Ngoa E., Harlay J., N. Oduor, Fondo E., Wambiji N., Raharinaivo L., Winkler A., Okemwa G., Karisa J., Madi Bamdou M., Mtaki K., Randrianandrasana J., and *. 2020. “Marine Organisms Response to Climate Change Effects in the Western Indian Ocean.” Journal of Indian Ocean Rim Studies 3(1):33–59.
  11. Owuor, M. A., Icely, J., Newton, A., Nyunja, J., Otieno, P., Tuda, A. O., & Oduor, N. (2017). Mapping of ecosystem services flows in Mida Creek, Kenya. Ocean and Coastal Management, 140, 11–21.
  12. Fragoso, B.D.D., Icely, J.D., Oduor N., Moore, G., Neto, J.M., Danchenko, S., Newton, A., (2016) in PeerJ Preprints. Monitoring approaches for supporting offshore aquaculture management and EU Directives at Sagres, Portugal.