group of men and women of different ages
(back row, from left) Dr. Sebastian Ferse, Dr. Véronique Helfer, Katharina Hermann, Dr. Sonia Bejarano, Katharina Sperling, Prof. Dr. Raimund Bleischwitz, Max Benatar, Dr. Annette Breckwoldt, Lara Stuthmann, Prof. Dr. (front row, from left) Oscar Puebla, Dr. Holger Kühnhold

01/09/2023 | The protection of biodiversity and the sustainable use of marine resources in tropical coastal areas are part of ZMT's research, and working on them with like-minded people is a declared goal.

Recently, a delegation from Zoo Berlin and the Zoo Foundation visited ZMT to discuss common topics in marine research, learn about the work on marine conservation and sustainable resource use, and to identify areas that could strengthen both knowledge exchange and transfer to the public.

During their visit, Katharina Sperling (Head of Species Conservation), Katharina Hermann (Coordination of Species Conservation) and Max Benatar (Head of Fundraising, Berlin Zoo Foundation) visited the marine aquaria facility MAREE and got an insight into ZMT's diverse research areas as scientists gave short presentations on their work.

The Zoo Berlin is one of the most species-rich zoos in the world and a pioneer in species conservation, both in the zoo itself and in projects supported worldwide. Knowledge about species conservation is generated and disseminated through various educational offers or by means of scientific research, such as behavioural observations in the zoo.