Fieldwork in the Anthropocene: On the Possibilities of Analogical Thinking between Nature and Society

For introductory reading, pre-print of the corresponding article:
Tanja Bogusz is going to speak about their DFG Project, where they are analysing and exploring collaborative methods of fieldwork. In a comparative way they are analysing from a science and technology study perspective natural and social science fieldwork: what does it mean, what is similar and where are the differences? An important case study of her is a marine/coastal setting in the South Pacific, but also a museum in Paris, similar to the Naturkundemuseum in Berlin or the interdisciplinary Überseemuseum in Bremen. This is an optimal topic for ZMT and allows us to reflect on what we do together (or not). Tanja is a sociologist by training. Her talk will be followed by a discussant, who is Martin Zimmer. Then the floor is open to all, as usual.