16/05/2023 | ZMT's building plans have taken a next step: On 16 May, 2023, the managing directors of the Bremen-based research institute, Prof. Dr Raimund Bleischwitz and Dr Nicolas Dittert, signed the contract with SWAP Architektur. The Viennese architects' office won the Europe-wide architectural competition to design for ZMT’s new home. SWAP architects Georg Unterhohenwarter, Thomas Grasl und Matthias Jahn travelled from the Austrian capital to sign the contract. Bremen's Senate Building Director Prof. Dr. Iris Reuther had also taken the time to attend the event.
But before entering the agreement, the architects presented their ideas for the new building to ZMT’s staff. A special feature of the new building: it is planned as a timber hybrid construction with a shed roof; the serial use of components is possible. The compact and robust building design is characterised by high economic indicators.
Following the presentation, the architects and ZMT's management talked with staff to answer questions, exchange ideas and take on board suggestions.
Continuous exchange with the employees is essential for ZMT's building project since the new building will unite all 160 employees (currently spread over a total of five locations) in one location. The aim is to design a building for a modern research institute with adequate infrastructure, equipment and supplies as well as technology.
Questions asked by staff members ranged from structural aspects and fire protection to sustainability issues, parking spaces for bicycles or the photovoltaic system on the shed roof.
A focal point of the discussion: How can interdisciplinary and cooperative collaboration at ZMT be fostered by the building layout while also allowing adaptation to future changes in use resulting from new developments in the working environment (e.g. home office, new work)?
The new building covers almost 6,500 square metres and is to be built in Otto-Hahn-Allee in Bremen's Horn-Lehe district. The budget of 34.8 million euros is shared in equal parts by the German Federal Government (Bund) and the State of Bremen. The state share will be covered by the Senator for Science and Ports.
Begrüßung durch Prof. Dr. Raimund Bleischwitz, wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer des ZMT | Foto: Matej Meza (ZMT)