Assessing the spatial management of mangroves and small-scale fisheries in protected areas on the Brazilian Amazon coast

Mangroves are important providers of ecosystem services, but they have been impacted by dynamic drivers that are causing loss of mangrove area worldwide. In Brazil, mangrove conservation strategies have not been fully implemented due to data deficiency, including on the spatial dynamics of small-scale fisheries in mangroves. This research aims to investigate how multiple knowledge systems and assessment methods, including participatory mapping and GPS tracking, can be combined for integrated management of mangrove protected areas, having as focus study areas two sustainable-use areas in northeastern Pará, Brazil. The results show that mangroves need to be managed as an integrated system, and interconnections with other coastal ecosystems must be taken into account. This study shows that a combination of participatory mapping and GPS tracking can help identify fishing areas and the origin of the crab demand for each area. It also proposes a framework to establish a planning unit for integrated spatial planning. The findings can be applied to the spatial management of the crab fisheries, including integrated zoning strategies for protected areas in the study region.