Christiane Schmidt

Dr. Christiane Schmidt


Tel.: +49 (0)421 23800 - 177

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Office: Wiener Strasse 7
28359 Bremen
Room: 5204 (2. Etage)

since 05/2024 - I work full-time as projectcordinator NFDI4Earth, measure 3.4 international networking and embedding at GFZ, Helmholz Geoscience Center in Potsdam

since 01/2024 - I continue to be affiliated with ZMT as guest scientist  to submit peer-review data publications from resulting DFG project.

Follow my publications on google scholar: My profile.  thumb Link Icon zu google scholar

Follow me on linkedin: My profile.

Most recent project:

1/07/2020 - 31/12/2023 Main project investigator of research grant by German Research Foundation (DFG), SYMBIO-AID "The role of diatom endosymbionts on the adaptation potential of reef calcifiers"

Selected highest cited publications (out of > 20 total):


Webster, N.S., Negri, A.P., Botté, E.S., Laffy, E.S., Flores, F., Noonan, S., Schmidt, C., Uticke S. (2016) Host-associated coral reef microbes respond to the cumulative pressures of ocean warming and ocean acidification

Schmidt, C., Heinz, P., Kucera, M., Uthicke, S. (2011) Temperature‐induced stress leads to bleaching in larger benthic foraminifera hosting endosymbiotic diatoms

Takagi, H., Kimoto, K., Fujiki, T., Saito, H., Schmidt, C., Kucera, M., Moriya, K. (2019) Characterizing photosymbiosis in modern planktonic foraminifera

Uthicke, S., Vogel, N., Doyle, J., Schmidt, C., Humphrey, C. (2012) Interactive effects of climate change and eutrophication on the dinoflagellate-bearing benthic foraminifer Marginopora vertebralis

Nettersheim, B.J., Brocks, J.J., Schwelm, A., Hope, J.M., Not, F., Lomas, M., Schmidt C., Schiebel, R., Nowack, E.C.M., De Deckker, P., Pawlowski, J., Bowser, S.S., Bobrovskiy, I. Zonneveld, K., Kucera, M. Stuhr, M., Hallmann C. (2019) Putative sponge biomarkers in unicellular Rhizaria question an early rise of animals

Schmidt, C., Morard, R., Almogi-Labin, A., Weinmann, A.E., Titelboim, D., Abramovich, S. Kucera, M. (2015) Recent invasion of the symbiont-bearing foraminifera Pararotalia into the Eastern Mediterranean facilitated by the ongoing warming trend

Schmidt, C., Kucera, M., Uthicke, S. (2014) Combined effects of warming and ocean acidification on coral reef Foraminifera Marginopora vertebralis and Heterostegina depressa

Schmidt, C., Titelboim, D., Brandt, J., Herut, B., Abramovich, S., Almogi-Labin, A., Kucera, M. (2016) Extremely heat tolerant photo-symbiosis in a shallow marine benthic foraminifera