Donata Monien

Dr. Donata Monien

Co-Leitung | Experimentelle Marine Labore

Tel.: +49 (0)421 23800 - 103

Fax: +49 (0)421 23800 - 30

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 6, Hauptgebäude
28359 Bremen
Room: 1110 (1. Etage)

Research interests

- Etablierung und Weiterentwicklung geochemischer Analysenmethoden
- Untersuchung geochemischer Proxies im Hinblick auf rasante Klimaschwankungen
- Geochemische Charakterisierung und Verbleib von Nährstoffen und Spurenmetallen in Küstengebieten
- Anorganische Geochemie an Sedimenten aus Küstengebieten


Referierte Fachzeitschriften

Monien, Donata; Monien, Patrick, Brünjes Robert, Widmer, Tajana; Kappenberg, Arne; Schnetger, Bernhard; Brumsack Hans-Jürgen (2017). Meltwater as a source of potentially bioavailable iron to Antarctica waters. Antarctic Science 1-15 (2017), doi:10.1017/S095410201600064X

Schloss, I.R., A. Wasilowska, D. Dumont, G.O. Almandoz, M.P. Hernando, C.-A. Michaud-Tremblay, L. Saravia, M. Rzepecki, P. Monien, D. Monien, E.E. Kopczyńska, V. Bers, G.A. Ferreyra (2014). On the phytoplankton bloom in coastal waters of southern King George Island (Antarctica) in January 2010 : An exceptional feature ? Limnology & Oceanography 59 (1), 182-194.

Poigner, H., Monien, P., Monien, D., Kriews, M., Brumsack, H.J., Wilhelms-Dick, D. and Abele, D. (2013) Influence of porewater geochemistry on Fe and Mn assimilation in Laternula elliptica at King george Island (Antarctica), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 135, 285-295.

Magens, D., Niessen, F., Monien, D., Gebhardt, A.C., and Kuhn, G. (2013) Fractional porosities of the AND-1B sediment core, McMurdo Sound region, Antarctica: Case study for specific glacially induced compaction. Geosphere 9, 489-509.

Williams, T., Morin, R.H., Jarrad, R. D., Jackolski, C.J., Henrys, S., Niessen,F., Magens,D., Kuhn, G., Monien, D., and Powell, R.D. (2012) Natural gamma radiation and magnetic susceptibility logs and their relation to lithostratigraphy in Hole AND-1B, Antarctica. Geosphere 8, 127-140.

Husmann, G., Abele, D., Monien, D., Monien, P.; Kriews, M., Philipp, E.E.R. (2012) The influence of sedimentation on metal accumulation and cellular oxidative stress markers in the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica, Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 111, 48-59.

Wilson, G.S., Levy, R.H., Naish, T.R., Powell, R.D. , Florindo, F., Ohneiser, C., Sagnotti, L., Winter, D.M., Cody, R., Henrys, S., Ross, J., Krissek, L., Niessen, F., Pompillio, M., Scherer, R., Alloway, B.V., Barrett, P.J., Brachfeld, S., Browne, G., Carter, L., Cowan, E., Crampton, J., DeConto, R.M., Dunbar, G., Dunbar, N., Dunbar, R., von Eynatten, H., Gebhardt, C., Giorgetti, G., Graham, I., Hannah, M., Hansaraj, D., Harwood, D.M., Hinnov, L., Jarrard, R.D., Joseph, L., Kominz, M., Kuhn, G., Kyle, P., Läufer, A., McIntosh, W.C., McKay, R., Maffioli, P., Magens, D., Millan, C., Monien, D., Morin, R., Paulsen, T., Persico, D., Pollard, D., Raine, J.I., Riesselman, C., Sandroni, S., Schmitt, D., Sjunneskog, C., Strong, C.P., Talarico, F., Taviani, M., Villa, G., Vogel, S., Wilch, T., Williams, T., Wilson, T.J., Wise, S. (2012) Neogene tectonic and climatic evolution of the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica - Chronology of events from the AND-1B drill hole. Global and Planetary Change, 96-97, 189-203.

Monien, D., Kuhn, G., von Eynatten, H. and Talarico, F. (2012) Geochemical provenance analayses of fine-grained sediment revealing Late Miocene to recent paleo-environmental changes in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica. Global and Planetary Change, 69-97, 41-58.

Williams, T., Morin, R.H., Jarrard, R.D., Jackolski, C.L., Henrys, S.A., Niessen, F., Magens, D., Kuhn, G., Monien, D., Powell, R.D. (2012) Lithostratigraphy from downhole logs in Hole AND-1B, Antarctica. Geosphere, 8(1), 127-140.

McKay, R., Naish, T., Powell, R., Barrett, P., Scherer, R., Talarico, F., Kyle, P., Monien, D., Kuhn, G., Jackolski, C., Williams, T. (2012) Pleistocene variability of Antarctic Ice Sheet extent in the Ross Embayment. Quaternary Science Reviews, 34, 93-112.

Konfist, M.A., Kuhn, G., Monien, D., Scherer, R.P. (2012) The influence of siliciclastic input on Chaetoceros abundance in an early Pliocene segment of the ANDRILL AND-1B drill core. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeocology, 346, 87-94.

Konfirst, M., Kuhn, G., Monien, D., Scherer, R.P. (2011) Correlation of Early Pliocene diatomite to low amplitude Milankovitch cycles in the ANDRILL AND-1B drill core, Marine Micropaleontology 80, 114-124.

Naish, T., Powell, R., Levy. R., Wilson, G., Scherer, R., Talarico, F., Krissek, L., Niessen, F., Pompilio, M., Wilson, T., Carter, L., DeConto, R., Huybers, P., McKay, R., Pollard, D., Ross, J., Winter, D., Barrett, P., Browne, G., Cody, R., Cowan, E., Crampton, J., Dunbar, G., Dunbar, N., Florindo, F., Gebhardt, A.C., Graham, I., Hannah, M., Hansaraj, D., Harwood, D., Helling, D., Henrys, S., Hinnov, L., Kuhn, G., Kyle, P., Läufer, A., Maffioli, P., Magens, D., Mandernack, K., McIntosh, W., Millan, C., Morin, R., Ohneiser, C., Paulsen, T., Persico, D., Raine, I., Reed, J., Riesselman, C., Sagnotti, L., Schmitt, D., Sjunneskog, C., Strong, P., Taviani, M., Vogel, S., Wilch, T. and Williams, T. (2009) Obliquity-paced Pliocene West Antarctic ice sheet oscilations. Nature 458, 255-288.

Pompilio, M., Dunbar, N. Gebhardt, A.C., Helling, D., Kuhn, G., Kyle, P., McKay, R., Talarico, F., Tulaczyk, S., Vogel, S., Wilch, T. and the ANDRILL-MIS Science Team (2007) Petrology and geochemistry of the AND-1B core, ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf project, Antarctica. Terra Antartica 14(3), 255-288.


Monien, D., Monien, P., Brünjes, R.M., Widmer, T., Schnetger, B. and Brumsack, H.-J., 2013. Sedimentary regimes at Potter Cove, King George Island, maritime Antarctica - from source source to sink, EGU 2013, Vienna

Monien, D., Kuhn, G., von Eynatten, Vogel, S.W., Hoffmann, S., Nehrke, G., Thiel, V., Aghib, F.S., Bellanca, A., Scopelliti, G. and Niessen, F., 2010. Dolomite formation within the cold polar environment of Antarctica during glacial retreat phases - Evidence from AND-1B core, Ross Sea, SCAR, Open Science Conference 2010, August 3-6, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Monien, D., Kuhn, G., von Eynatten, and Aghib, F., 2009. Dolomite at glacial to interglacial transitions, a hypothesis of precipitation due to mixing zones in Ross Sea deposits, Antarctica, in Earth Control on Planetary Life and Environment, GV Annual 2009, October 5-7, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen.

Helling, D., Kuhn, G. and von Eynatten, H., 2009. Marine paleoproductivity at warmer climate conditions during the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene in the Ross Sea, EGU 2009, Vienna.

Helling, D., Kuhn, G., von Eynatten, H., Vogel, S., Rugi, F., Castellano, E., Marino, F., Udisti, R. and Aghib, F., 2008. Dolomite highlights glacial to interglacial transitions in Ross Sea deposits investigated in AND-1B core, Antarctica, AGU Fall Meeting 2008. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.

Kuhn, G., Helling, D., and von Eynatten, H., 2008.High bioproductivity periods resemble Ross Ice Shelf retreats and a warmer Antarctic margin in the past. In: A. Klepikov and N. Rudenko (Editors), Open Science Conference "Polar Research - Artic and Antarctic perspectives in the International Polar Year. State scientific centre of RF, Artic and Antarctic Research Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Kuhn, G., Helling, D., von Eynatten, H., Niessen, F. and Magens, D., 2008. Past warmer climate periods at the Antarctic margin detected from proxies and measurements of biogenic opal in the AND-1B core: the XRF spectral silver (Ag) peak used as a new tool for biogenic opal quantification., AGU Fall Meeting 2008. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.

Helling, D., Kuhn, G. and von Eynatten, H., 2008. The Ross Ice Shelf dynamics during the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene - climate conditions warmer than today? In: H. Roderfeld (Editor), 23. Internationale Polartagung der DGP. Terra Nostra. GeoUnion Alfred Wegener Stiftung, Münster.

Helling, D., Kuhn, G. and MIS Science Team., 2007. Geochemical variations detected with continuous XRF measurements on ANDRILL AND-1B core: preliminary results. In: A. Cooper, C. Raymond and I.E. Team (Editors), 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science (ISAES). Antarctica ; A keystone in a changing World-Online Proceedings for the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science. U.S. Geological Survey and The National Academies, Santa Barbara, USA, pp. 1-4.

Helling, D. and Kuhn, G., 2007. XRF Core Scanner Daten für ANDRILL AND-1B - Status quo, 29. Treffen des AK Geowissenschaften der Polargebiete der Dt. Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Leipzig, Germany.

Wissenschaftliche Abschlußarbeit

PhD thesis "Rapid environmental changes in the Ross Sea embayment using a geochemical approach" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. R. Tiedemann (Alfred Wegener Institute) and Hilmar von Eynatten (University of Göttingen).

Diploma thesis "Effects of prey type and morphology on growth and grazing in two dinoflagellate species" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. K.H. Wiltshire (Alfred Wegener Institute, Helgoland) at the University of Oldenburg, Studies “Marine Environmental Science”, Majors and minors: Geochemistry, Marine Biology, Environmental Modelling, Ecology, Marine Physics and Environmental Sciences.