Sebastian Ferse

Dr. Sebastian Ferse

Senior Scientist

Tel.: +49 (0)421 23800 - 114

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Office: Wiener Strasse 7
28359 Bremen
Room: 5302 (3. Etage)

Lebenslauf: Dr. Sebastian Ferse

Research interests

- Zusammenhang zwischen Biodiversität, funktioneller Diversität und Ökosystemfunktion
- Zusammensetzung von ökologischen Gemeinschaften in Korallenriffen
- Korallenriffrestauration
- Interaktionen zwischen Fischen und dem Habitat in Korallenriffen
- Ökologische Folgen von Marikultur
- Nachhaltige Marikultur als Möglichkeit für den Lebensunterhalt
- Kleinskalige Fischerei und ihre ökologischen Auswirkungen
- Zierorganismenhandel und -zucht
- Die Rolle von Patennetzwerken (patron-client relations) in der Nutzung mariner Ressourcen


Senior Scientist


Meine Forschungsinteressen liegen im Zusammenhang zwischen Biodiversität und Funktionalität in Korallenriffen sowie der Nutzung von Ressourcen aus Korallenriffen durch den Menschen. Anhang eines Ansatzes, bei dem neben der taxonomischen auch die funktionelle Diversität in Riffsystemen betrachtet wird, versuchen wir, die Auswirkungen von natürlichen und menschgemachten Veränderungen in Riffsystemen besser zu verstehen. Durch die Untersuchung von Lebensgrundlagen (livelihoods), Institutionen und von Marikultur-Verfahren im Küstenbereich versuche ich Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen, die Möglichkeiten der nachhaltigen Nutzung von Ressourcen sowie Strategien für die Entwicklung, Umsetzung und Verbesserung solcher Nutzungsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen. Während meiner Master-Arbeit und Dissertation untersuchte ich Methoden der Korallenzucht und Riffrestauration und konzentrierte mich auf ökologische Fragestellungen. In meiner post-doc Zeit verfolgte ich einen stärker interdisziplinären Ansatz mit einem Fokus auf sozio-ökonomische Aspekte. Momentan arbeite ich mit sozial- und naturwissenschaftlichen Wissenschaftlern, um ein Verständnis ökologischer Prozesse mit Erkenntnissen über menschliche Aktivitäten und deren Ursachen zu verbinden, mögliche Szenarien für die Zukunft entwerfen und potenzielle Einflüsse ökologischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Veränderungen verstehen zu können.







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Referierte Fachzeitschriften

[100] Estradivari, I. Kartika, D.S. Adhuri, L. Adrianto, F. Agung, G.N. Ahmadia, S. Bejarano, S. Campbell, F.R. Fachri, H. Kushardanto, C. Marlessy, B. Pane, O. Puebla, R.C. Purnama, I.W.V. Santiadji, W. Suherfian, M. Tillah, H. Widodo, C. Wild & S.C.A. Ferse (2024). Prospective ecological contributions of potential marine OECMs and MPAs to enhance marine conservation in Indonesia. Ocean and Coastal Management 258:107411. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107411.

[99] Kaikkonen L., R.J. Shellock, S.A. Selim, R.A. Ojwala, B.S. Dias, S. Li, C.I. Addey, I. Gianelli, K.M Maltby, S. Garcia-Morales, J. Palacios-Abrantes, S. Jiang, M. Albo-Puigserver, V.A. García Alonso, C.A. Baker, C.B. Bove, S. Brodie, L.I. Dahlet, J. Das, A. Dunne, S.C.A. Ferse, E. Johannesen, J. Jung, E. Merayo Garcia, D.B. Karcher, S. Mahadeo, L. Millan, K.O. Lawal, A. Oloko, K. Ortega-Cisneros, S. Otoabasi-Akpan, D. Roy, S.S. Rouf, S. Smoliński, N. Vaidianu, C. Whidden & M. Strand (2024). Fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in interdisciplinary marine science. npj Ocean Sustainability 3(1):49. doi:10.1038/s44183-024-00087-1.

[98] Caldwell I.R., T.R. McClanahan, R.M. Oddenyo, N.A.J. Graham, M. Beger, L. Vigliola, S.A. Sandin, A.M. Friedlander, B. Randriamanantsoa, L. Wantiez, A.L. Green, A.T. Humphries, M.J. Hardt, J.E. Caselle, D.A. Feary, R. Karkarey, C. Jadot, A.S. Hoey, J.G. Eurich, S.K. Wilson, N.L. Crane, M. Tupper, S.C.A. Ferse, E. Maire, D. Mouillot & J.E. Cinner (2024). Protection efforts have resulted in ~10% of existing fish biomass on coral reefs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(42):e2308605121. doi:10.1073/pnas.2308605121.

[97] Maire E., J.P.W. Robinson, M. McLean, S. Arif, J. Zamborain-Mason, J.E. Cinner, S.C.A. Ferse, N.A.J. Graham, A.S. Hoey, M.A. MacNeil, D. Mouillot & C.C. Hicks (2024). Managing nutrition-biodiversity trade-offs on coral reefs. Current Biology 34:1-11. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2024.08.031.

[96] von Hammerstein H., T.-M. Fett, S.C.A. Ferse, V. Helfer, S. Kininmonth & S. Bejarano (2024): Individual mangrove trees provide alternative fish habitat on backreefs. Scientific Reports 14(1):18574. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-69524-y.

[95] Baptista Nobre T., L.S. Wright, D. Kneer, D. Priosambodo & S.C.A. Ferse (2024): Trace metal pollution gradients in a tropical seagrass ecosystem. Marine Environmental Research 200:106632. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106632.

[94] Zhang J., S.C.A. Ferse, T.C. Jennerjahn, A. Clausen & R. Lahl (2024): Co-design capacity development for the UN Ocean Decade. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2:1252087. doi:10.3389/focsu.2024.1252087.

[93] Abdurrachman A.M.A.P., Estradivari, G. Syafruddin, J. Jompa, S.C.A. Ferse & R. Ambo-Rappe (2024): Patterns of rugosity on coral reefs around Lae-Lae, Samalona, Barrang Lompo and Kapoposang Islands. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management 19:127-137. doi:10.46754/jssm.2024.01.011.

[92] Razak T.B., T.A.C. Lamont, F.D. Hukom, C.A.G. Alisa, A.R. Asri & S.C.A. Ferse (2024): A review of the legal framework for coral reef restoration in Indonesia. Ocean and Coastal Management 248:106944. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106944.

[91] Baumann* L., M. Riechers*, L. Celliers & S.C.A. Ferse (2023): Anticipating and transforming futures: a literature review on transdisciplinary coastal research in the Global South. Ecosystems and People 19(1):2288957. doi:10.1080/26395916.2023.2288957. (*shared first authorship)

[90] Ferse S.C.A. (2023): Grand Challenges in Marine Governance for Ocean Sustainability in the 21st Century. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 1:1254750. doi:10.3389/focsu.2023.1254750.

[89] Koester A., C. Gordó-Vilaseca, N. Bunbury, S.C.A. Ferse, A. Ford, P. Haupt, L. A'Bear, M. Bielsa, A.J. Burt, J. Letori, E. Mederic, E. Nancy, C. Sanchez, M. Waller & C. Wild (2023): Impacts of coral bleaching on reef fish abundance, biomass and assemblage structure at remote Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles: insights from two survey methods. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1230717. doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1230717.

[88] Zamborain-Mason J., J.E. Cinner, M.A. MacNeil, N.A.J. Graham, A.S. Hoey, M. Beger, A.J. Brooks, D.J. Booth, G.J. Edgar, D.A. Feary, S.C.A. Ferse, A.M. Friedlander, C.L.A. Gough, A.L. Green, D. Mouillot, N.V.C. Polunin, R.D. Stuart-Smith, L. Wantiez, I.D. Williams, S.K. Wilson & S.R. Connolly (2023): Sustainable reference points for multispecies coral reef fisheries. Nature Communications 14:5368. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-41040-z.

[87] Elsler L.G., M. Neil, S.C.A. Ferse, G. Navarrete Forero, M. Glaser & M. Schlüter (2023): Compliance in small-scale fisheries is linked to fisher-trader relations: not fishers alone (Southeast Asian case study). Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 33:751-766. doi:10.1007/s11160-023-09783-6.

[86] Celliers L., M. Mañez Costa, L. Rölfer, S. Aswani & S.C.A. Ferse (2023): Social innovation that connects people to coasts in the Anthropocene. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures 1:e24. doi:10.1017/cft.2023.12.

[85] Ghilardi M., M.A. Salter, V. Parravicini, S.C.A. Ferse, T. Rixen, C. Wild, M. Birkicht, C.T. Perry, A. Berry, R.W. Wilson, D. Mouillot & S. Bejarano (2023): Temperature, species identity and morphological traits predict carbonate excretion and mineralogy in tropical reef fishes. Nature Communications 14:985. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-36617-7.

[84] Ganachaud A., K. von Schuckmann, A. Whiteside, C. Dupouy, P.-Y. Le Meur, M. Monier, S. Van Wynsberge, A.d.R. N’Yeurt, M. Mañez Costa, J. Aucan, A. Breckwoldt, L. Celliers, P. Douillet, S.C.A. Ferse, E. Holland, H. Kelsey, V. Kumar, S. Nicol, M. Riechers, A. Singh & D. Varillon (2022): Copernicus Marine Sea Surface Temperature and chlorophyll-a indicators for two Pacific Islands: a co-construction monitoring framework for an integrated, transdisciplinary, multi-scale approach. In: von Schuckmann K., P.-Y. Le Traon, N. Smith, A. Pascual, S. Djavidnia, P. Brasseur & M. Grégoire (eds.) Copernicus Ocean State Report, Issue 6. Journal of Operational Oceanography 15(sup1):s100-s110. doi:10.1080/1755876X.2022.2095169.

[83] Breckwoldt A., Y. Dombal, C. Sabinot, G. David, L. Riera, S.C.A. Ferse & E. Fache (2022): A social-ecological engagement with reef passages in New Caledonia: Connectors between coastal and oceanic spaces and species. Ambio 51:2401-2413. doi:10.1007/s13280-022-01762-8.

[82] Subhan B., D.G. Bengen, S.C.A. Ferse, F. Dzulfannazhir, N.P. Anggraini, P. Santoso, D. Arafat, L.M.I. Sani, Prehadi & H. Madduppa (2022): Morphological identification of the soft coral, Clavularia inflata, reveals different sclerite characters across Indonesian coral reefs. Depik Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan 11(2):223-230. doi:10.13170/depik.11.2.22102.

[81] Cinner J.E., J. Zamborain-Mason, E. Maire, A.S. Hoey, N.A.J. Graham, D. Mouillot, S. Villéger, S.C.A. Ferse & S. Lockie (2022): Linking key human-environment theories to inform the sustainability of coral reefs. Current Biology 32:1-11. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2022.04.055.

[80] Rölfer L., X.E. Elias Ilosvay, S.C.A. Ferse, J. Jung, D.B. Karcher, M. Kriegl, M. Nijamdeen TWGF, M. Riechers & E.Z. Walker (2022): Disentangling obstacles to knowledge co-production for early-career marine researchers. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:893489. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.893489.

[79] Breckwoldt A., A. Nozik, N. Moosdorf, J. Bierwirth, E. Fache, S.C.A. Ferse, A.K. Ford, S. Mangubhai, D. Pelletier & S. Piovano (2022): A typology for reef passages. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:786125. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.786125.

[78] Subhan B., D.G. Bengen, S.C.A Ferse, F. Dzulfannazhir, L.M. Izza, N.P. Anggraini, P. Santoso, D. Arafat, L.M.I. Sani & H.H. Madduppa (2022): DNA barcoding of the soft coral, Clavularia inflata, shows two major groups across Indonesian coral reefs. Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 27:12. doi:10.14710/ik.ijms.27.1.1-12.

[77] Oloko A., K. Fakoya, S.C.A. Ferse, A. Breckwoldt & S. Harper (2022): The challenges and prospects of women fisherfolk in Makoko, Lagos State, Nigeria. Coastal Management 50(2):124-141. doi:10.1080/08920753.2022.2022969.

[76] Estradivari, M.F. Agung, D.S. Adhuri, S.C.A. Ferse, I. Sualia, D.A. Andradi-Brown, S.J. Campbell, M. Iqbal, H. Jonas, M.E. Lazuardi, H. Nanlohy, F. Pakiding, N.K.S. Pusparini, H.C. Ramadhana, T. Ruchimat, I.W.V. Santiadji, N. Timisela, L. Veverka, G.N. Ahmadia (2022): Marine conservation beyond MPAs: Towards the recognition of other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) in Indonesia. Marine Policy 137:104939. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104939.

[75] Girard E.B., Estradivari, S.C.A. Ferse, R. Ambo-Rappe, J. Jompa & W. Renema (2021): Dynamics of large benthic foraminiferal assemblages: a tool to foreshadow reef degradation? Science of the Total Environment 811:151396. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151396.

[74] Köster A., A.K. Ford, S.C.A. Ferse, V. Migani, N. Bunbury, C. Sanchez & C. Wild (2021): First insights into coral recruit and juvenile abundances at remote Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles. PLoS ONE 16:e0260516. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0260516.

[73] Fawkes K., S.C.A. Ferse, A. Scheffers & V. Cummins (2021): Learning from experience: What the emerging global marine assessment community can learn from the social processes of other global environmental assessments. Anthropocene Coasts 4(1):87-114. doi:10.1139/anc-2020-0018.

[72] Ferse S.C.A., M.Y. Hein & L. Rölfer (2021): A survey of current trends and suggested future directions in coral transplantation for reef restoration. PLoS ONE 16(5):e0249966. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0249966.

[71] Müller M., C.F.K. Staab, L.D. Puk, E.M. Schönig, S.C.A. Ferse & C. Wild (2021): The rabbitfish Siganus virgatus as key macroalgae browser in coral reefs of the Gulf of Thailand. Diversity 13(3):123. doi:10.3390/d13030123.

[70] Kusumanti I., S.C.A. Ferse & M. Glaser (2021): Sustainable livelihoods frameworks in investigating household assets in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 14:204-217.

[69] Elías Ilosvay, X.E., J. Segovia, S.C.A. Ferse, W. E. Elías &. C. Wild (2021): Rapid relative increase of crustose coralline algae following herbivore exclusion in a reef of El Salvador. PeerJ 9:e10696. doi:10.7717/peerj.10696.

[68] Rölfer L., H. Reuter, S.C.A. Ferse, A. Kubicek, S. Dove, O. Hoegh-Guldberg & D. Bender-Champ (2021): Coral-macroalgal competition under ocean warming and acidification. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 534:151477. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2020.151477.

[67] Ford A., J.-B. Jouffray, A. Norström, B.R. Moore, M.M. Nugues, G. Williams, S. Bejarano, F. Magron, C. Wild & S.C.A. Ferse (2020): Local human impacts disrupt relationships between benthic reef assemblages and environmental predictors. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:794. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.571115.

[66] Aswani* S., S.C.A. Ferse*, M. Stäbler & C. Chong-Montenegro (2020): Detecting change in local ecological knowledge: an application of an index of taxonomic distinctness to an ethnoichthyological classification in the Solomon Islands. Ecological Indicators 119:106865. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106865. (*shared first authorship)

[65] Cinner J.E., J. Zamborain-Mason, G.G. Gurney, N.A.J. Graham, M.A. MacNeil, A.S. Hoey, C. Mora, S. Villéger, E. Maire, T.R. McClanahan, J.M. Maina, J.N. Kittinger, C.C. Hicks, S. D’agata, C. Huchery, M.L. Barnes, D.A. Feary, I.D. Williams, M. Kulbicki, L. Vigliola, L. Wantiez, G.J. Edgar, R.D. Stuart-Smith, S.A. Sandin, A.L. Green, M. Beger, A.M. Friedlander, S.K. Wilson, E. Brokovich, A.J. Brooks, J.J. Cruz-Motta, D.J. Booth, P. Chabanet, M. Tupper, S.C.A. Ferse, U.R. Sumaila, M.J. Hardt & D. Mouillot (2020): Meeting fisheries, ecosystem function, and biodiversity goals in a human dominated world. Science 368(6488):307-311. doi:10.1126/science.aax9412.

[64] Prinz N., R. Story, S. Lyon, S.C.A. Ferse* & S. Bejarano* (2020): To feed or not to feed? Coral reef fish responses to artificial feeding and stakeholder perceptions in the Aitutaki Lagoon, Cook Islands. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:145. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00145. (*shared senior authorship)

[63] Boström-Einarsson L., R.C. Babcock, E. Bayraktarov, D. Ceccarelli, N. Cook, S.C.A. Ferse, B. Hancock, P. Harrison, M. Hein, E. Shaver, A. Smith, D. Suggett, P.J. Stewart-Sinclair, T. Vardi & I.M. McLeod (2020): Coral restoration – A systematic review of current methods, successes, failures and future directions. PLoS ONE 15(1):e0226631. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0226631.

[62] Schlüter A., C. Vance & S.C.A. Ferse (2020): Coral reefs and the slow emergence of institutional structures for a glocal land- and sea-based collective dilemma. Marine Policy 112:103505. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.04.009.

[61] Bejarano S., S. Pardede, S.J. Campbell, A. Hoey & S.C.A. Ferse (2019): Herbivorous fish rise as a destructive fishing practice falls in an Indonesian marine national park. Ecological Applications 29(8):e01981. doi:10.1002/eap.1981.

[60] Suyoto T.S.H., F.B. Boneka, N.E. Bataragoa, S.C.A. Ferse, L.J.L. Lumingas, M.T. Lasut, D.A. Sumila & E.L.A. Ngangi (2019): Predation intensity in mangrove ecosystem in marine protected area, North Sulawesi. PLATAX 7:413-420. doi:10.35800/jip.7.2.2019.24415.

[59] McAndrews R.S., A. Eich, A.K. Ford, S. Bejarano, R.R. Lal & S.C.A. Ferse (2019): Algae sediment dynamics are mediated by herbivorous fishes on a nearshore coral reef. Coral Reefs 38(3):431-441. doi:10.1007/s00338-019-01780-1.

[58] Sánchez-Caballero C.A., J.M. Borges-Souza & S.C.A. Ferse (2019): Rocky reef fish community composition remains stable throughout seasons and El Niño/La Niña events in the southern Gulf of California. Journal of Sea Research 146:55-62. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2019.01.008.

[57] Eich A., A.K. Ford, M. Nugues, R.S. McAndrews, C. Wild & S.C.A. Ferse (2019): Positive association between epiphytes and competitiveness of the brown algal genus Lobophora against corals. PeerJ 7:e6380. doi:10.7717/peerj.6380.

[56] Gouraguine A., J. Moranta, A. Ruiz-Frau, H. Hinz, O. Reñones, S.C.A. Ferse, J. Jompa & D.J. Smith (2019): Citizen science in data and resource-limited areas: a tool to detect long-term ecosystem changes. PLoS ONE 14(1):e0210007. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0210007.

[55] Rohe J.R., A. Schlüter, H. Govan & S.C.A. Ferse (2019): A legal pluralism perspective on coastal fisheries governance in two Pacific Island countries. Marine Policy 100:90-97. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2018.11.020.

[54] Rohe J.R., A. Schlüter & S.C.A. Ferse (2018): A gender lens on women's harvesting activities and interactions with local marine governance in a South Pacific fishing community. Maritime Studies 17:155-162. doi:10.1007/s40152-018-0106-8.

[53] Maire E., S. Villéger, N.A.J. Graham, A.S. Hoey, J. Cinner, S.C.A. Ferse, C. Aliaume, D.J. Booth, D.A. Feary, M. Kulbicki, S.A. Sandin, L. Vigliola & D. Mouillot (2018): Community-wide scan identifies fish species associated with coral reef services across the Indo-Pacific. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285:20181167. doi:10.1098/rspb.2018.1167.

[52] Cinner J.E., E. Maire, C. Huchery, M. A. MacNeil, N. A. J. Graham, C. Mora, T. R. McClanahan, M. L. Barnes, J. N. Kittinger, C. C. Hicks, S. D’Agata, A. Hoey, G. G. Gurney, D. A. Feary, I. Williams, M. Kulbicki, L. Vigliola, L. Wantiez, G. J. Edgar, R. D. Stuart-Smith, S. A. Sandin, A. Green, M. J. Hardt, M. Beger, A. Friedlander, S. K. Wilson, E. Brokovich, A. J. Brooks, J. J. Cruz-Motta, D. J. Booth, P. Chabanet, C. Gough, M. Tupper, S. C. A. Ferse, U. R. Sumaila, S. Pardede & D. Mouillot (2018): The gravity of human impacts mediates coral reef conservation gains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Published online ahead of print. doi:10.1073/pnas.1708001115.

[51] Lee S., A.K. Ford, S. Mangubhai, C. Wild & S.C.A. Ferse (2018): Effects of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) removal on shallow-water sediments in Fiji. PeerJ 6:e4773. doi:10.7717/peerj.4773.

[50] Plass-Johnson J.G., M. Teichberg, V. Bednarz, A. Gärdes, J. Heiden, M. Lukman, S. Miñarro, H. Kegler, L. Weiand, C. Wild, H. Reuter & S.C.A. Ferse (2018): Spatio-temporal patterns in the coral reef communities of the Spermonde Archipelago, 2012-2014, II: Fish assemblages display structured variation related to benthic condition. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:36. doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00036.

[49] Teichberg M., C. Wild, V.N. Bednarz, H.F. Kegler, M. Lukman, A.A.-M. Gärdes, J. Heiden, L. Weiand, N. Abu, A. Nasir, S. Miñarro, S.C.A. Ferse, H. Reuter & J.G. Plass-Johnson (2018): Spatio-temporal patterns in coral reef communities of the Spermonde Archipelago, 2012-2014, I: Comprehensive reef monitoring of water and benthic indicators reflect changes in reef health. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:33. doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00033.

[48] Glaser M., S.C.A. Ferse, M. Neil, J. Plass-Johnson, D. Yanuarita Satari, M. Teichberg & H. Reuter (2018): Breaking Resilience for a Sustainable Future: Thoughts for the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:34. doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00034.

[47] Plass-Johnson J.G., V.N. Bednarz, J. Hill, J. Jompa, S.C.A. Ferse & M. Teichberg (2018): Contrasting responses in the niches of two coral reef herbivores along a gradient of habitat disturbance in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:32. doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00032.

[46] Ford A.K., S. Bejarano, M.M. Nugues, P.M. Visser, S. Albert & S.C.A. Ferse (2018): Reefs under siege – the rise, putative drivers and consequences of benthic cyanobacterial mats. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:18. doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00018.

[45] Gauff R.P.M., S. Bejarano, H.H. Madduppa, B. Subhan, E.M.A. Dugény, Y.A. Perdana & S.C.A. Ferse (2018): Influence of predation risk on the sheltering behaviour of the coral-dwelling damselfish, Pomacentrus moluccensis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 101(4):639-651. doi:10.1007/s10641-018-0725-3.

[44] Aswani S., X. Basurto, S.C.A. Ferse, M. Glaser, L. Campbell, J.E. Cinner, T. Dalton, L.D. Jenkins, M.L. Miller, R. Pollnac, I. Vaccaro & P. Christie (2018). Marine resource management and conservation in the Anthropocene. Environmental Conservation 45(2):192-202. doi:10.1017/S0376892917000431.

[43] Ford A.K., A. Eich, R.S McAndrews, S. Mangubhai, M.M. Nugues, S. Bejarano, B.R. Moore, C. Rico, C. Wild & S.C.A. Ferse (2018). Evaluation of coral reef management effectiveness using conventional versus resilience-based metrics. Ecological Indicators 85:308-317. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.10.002.

[42] Rohe J.R., S. Aswani, A. Schlüter & S.C.A. Ferse (2017): Multiple Drivers of Local (Non-) Compliance in Community-Based Marine Resource Management: Case Studies from the South Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:172. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00172.

[41] García-Herrera N., S.C.A. Ferse, A. Kunzmann & A. Genin (2017): Mutualistic damselfish induce higher photosynthetic rates in their host coral. Journal of Experimental Biology 220:1803-1811. doi:10.1242/jeb.152462.

[40] Kegler P., H.F. Kegler, A. Gärdes, S.C.A. Ferse, M. Lukman, C. Hassenrück, Y.R. Alfiansah & A. Kunzmann (2017): Bacterial biofilm communities and coral larvae settlement at different levels of anthropogenic impact in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:270. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00270.

[39] Ford A.K., N. van Hoytema, B. Moore, L. Pandihau, C. Wild & S.C.A. Ferse (2017): High sedimentary oxygen consumption indicates that sewage input from small islands drives benthic community shifts on overfished reefs. Environmental Conservation 44(4):405-411. doi:10.1017/S0376892917000054.

[38] Sánchez-Caballero C.A., J.M. Borges-Souza, G. De La Cruz-Aguero & S.C.A. Ferse (2017): Links between fish community structure and habitat complexity of a rocky reef in the Gulf of California threatened by development: Implications for mitigation measures. Ocean & Coastal Management 137:96-106. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.12.013.

[37] Bejarano S., J.-B. Jouffray, I. Chollett, R. Allen, G. Roff, A. Marshell, R. Steneck, S.C.A. Ferse* & P. Mumby* (2017): The shape of success in a turbulent world: wave exposure filtering of coral reef herbivory. Functional Ecology 31(6):1312-1324. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12828. (*shared senior authorship)

[36] Casella E., A. Collin, D. Harris, S.C.A. Ferse, S. Bejarano, V. Parravicini, J.L. Hench & A. Rovere (2017): Mapping coral reefs using consumer-grade drones and structure from motion photogrammetry techniques. Coral Reefs 36(1):269-275. doi:10.1007/s00338-016-1522-0.

[35] Baum G., I. Januar, S.C.A. Ferse, C. Wild & A. Kunzmann (2016): Abundance and physiology of dominant soft corals linked to water quality in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. PeerJ 4:e2625. doi:10.7717/peerj.2625.

[34] Breckwoldt A., L. Dsikowitzky, G. Baum, S.C.A. Ferse, S. van der Wulp, I. Kusumanti, A. Ramadhan & L. Adrianto (2016): A review of stressors, uses and management perspectives for the larger Jakarta Bay Area, Indonesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 110(2):790-794. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.08.040.

[33] Cinner J.E., C. Huchery, M.A. MacNeil, N.A.J. Graham, T.R. McClanahan, J. Maina, E. Maire, J.N. Kittinger, C.C. Hicks, C. Mora, E.H. Allison, S. D’Agata, A. Hoey, D.A. Feary, L. Crowder, I.D. Williams, M. Kulbicki, L. Vigliola, L. Wantiez, G. Edgar, R.D. Stuart-Smith, S.A. Sandin, A.L. Green, M.J. Hardt, M. Beger, A. Friedlander, S.J. Campbell, K.E. Holmes, S.K. Wilson, E. Brokovich, A.J. Brooks, J.J. Cruz-Motta, D.J. Booth, P. Chabanet, C. Gough, M. Tupper, S.C.A. Ferse, U.R. Sumaila & D. Mouillot (2016): Bright spots among the world’s coral reefs. Nature 535:416-419. doi:10.1038/nature18607.

[32] Baum G., I. Kusumanti, A. Breckwoldt, S.C.A. Ferse, M. Glaser, Dwiyitno, L. Adrianto, S. van der Wulp & A. Kunzmann (2016): Under pressure: Investigating marine resource-based livelihoods in Jakarta Bay and the Thousand Islands. Marine Pollution Bulletin 110(2):778-789. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.05.032.

[31] Plass-Johnson J.G., M.H. Taylor, A.A.A. Husain, M.C. Teichberg & S.C.A. Ferse (2016): Non-random variability in functional composition of coral reef fish communities along an environmental gradient. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0154014. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154014.

[30] Dsikowitzky L., S.C.A. Ferse, J. Schwarzbauer, T.S. Vogt & H.E. Irianto (2016): Impacts of megacities on tropical coastal ecosystems — The case of Jakarta, Indonesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 110(2):621-623. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.11.060.

[29] Namukose M., F.E. Msuya, S.C.A. Ferse, M.J. Slater & A. Kunzmann (2016): Growth performance of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra and the seaweed Eucheuma denticulatum: integrated mariculture and effects on sediment organic characteristics. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8:179-189. doi: 10.3354/aei00172.

[28] Puk L., S.C.A. Ferse & C. Wild (2016): Patterns and trends in coral reef macroalgae browsing – a review of browsing herbivorous fishes of the Indo-Pacific. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26(1): 53-70. doi:10.1007/s11160-015-9412-z.

[27] Beltran-Gutierrez M., S.C.A. Ferse, A. Kunzmann, S. Stead, F. Msuya, T. Hoffmeister & M. Slater (2016): Co-culture of sea cucumber Holothuria scabra and red seaweed Kappaphycus striatum. Aquaculture Research 47(5): 1549-1559. doi:10.1111/are.12615.

[26] Baum G., H.I. Januar, S.C.A. Ferse & A. Kunzmann (2015): Local and regional impacts of pollution on coral reefs along the Thousand Islands north of the megacity Jakarta, Indonesia. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138271. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138271.

[25] Krause G., C. Brugere, A. Diedrich, M.W. Ebeling, S.C.A. Ferse, E. Mikkelsen, J.A. Pérez Agúndez, S.M. Stead, N. Stybel & M. Troell (2015): A revolution without people? Closing the people-policy gap in aquaculture development. Aquaculture 447: 44-55. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2015.02.009.

[24] Glaser M., A. Breckwoldt, R. Deswandi, I. Radjawali, W. Baitoningsih & S.C.A. Ferse (2015): Of exploited reefs and fishers - a holistic view on participatory coastal and marine management in an Indonesian Archipelago. Ocean & Coastal Management 116: 193-213. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.07.022.

[23] Plass-Johnson J.G., S.C.A. Ferse, J. Jompa, C. Wild & M. Teichberg (2015): Fish herbivory as key ecological function in a heavily degraded coral reef system. Limnology & Oceanography 60(4): 1382-1391. doi:10.1002/lno.10105.

[22] Plass-Johnson J.G., H. Schwieder, J. Heiden, L. Weiand, C. Wild, J. Jompa, S.C.A. Ferse & M. Teichberg (2015): A recent outbreak of the crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Regional Environmental Change 15(6): 1157-1162. doi:10.1007/s10113-015-0821-2.

[21] Naumann M.S., V.N. Bednarz, S.C.A. Ferse, W. Niggl & C. Wild (2015): Monitoring of coastal coral reefs near Dahab (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea) indicates local eutrophication as potential cause for change in benthic communities. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187(2): 44. doi:10.1007/s10661-014-4257-9.

[20] Ferrol-Schulte D., P. Gorris, W. Baitoningsih, D.S. Adhuri & S.C.A. Ferse (2015): Coastal livelihood vulnerability to marine resource degradation: a review of the Indonesian national coastal and marine policy framework. Marine Policy 52: 163-171. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2014.09.026.

[19] Ferrol-Schulte D., S.C.A. Ferse & M. Glaser (2014): Patron-client relationships, livelihoods and natural resource management in tropical coastal communities. Ocean & Coastal Management 100: 63-73. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.07.016.

[18] Plass-Johnson J.G., S.C.A. Ferse, C. Wild & M. Teichberg (2014): Observation of macroalgal browsing in juvenile humphead parrotfish, Bolbometopon muricatum, in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Bulletin of Marine Science 90(3): 763-764. doi:10.5343/bms.2014.1006.

[17] Madduppa H.H., N.P. Zamani, B. Subhan, U. Aktani & S.C.A. Ferse (2014): Feeding behavior and diet of the eight-banded butterflyfish Chaetodon octofasciatus in the Thousand Islands, Indonesia. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97(12): 1353-1365. doi:10.1007/s10641-014-0225-z.

[16] Ferse S.C.A., M. Glaser, M. Neil & K. Schwerdtner Máñez (2014): To cope or to sustain? Eroding long-term sustainability in an Indonesian coral reef fishery. Regional Environmental Change 14(6): 2053-2065. doi:10.1007/s10113-012-0342-1.

[15] Ferrol-Schulte D., M. Wolff, S.C.A. Ferse & M. Glaser (2013): Sustainable Livelihoods Approach in tropical coastal and marine social-ecological systems: a review. Marine Policy 42: 253-258. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2013.03.007.

[14] von Essen L.-M., S.C.A. Ferse, M. Glaser & A. Kunzmann (2013): Attitudes and perceptions of villagers towards community-based mariculture in Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Ocean & Coastal Management 73: 101-112. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2012.12.012.

[13] Ferse S.C.A., M.M. Nugues, S.B.C. Romatzki & A. Kunzmann (2013): Examining the use of mass transplantation of brooding and spawning corals to support natural coral recruitment in Sulawesi/Indonesia. Restoration Ecology 21(6): 745-754. doi: 10.1111/rec.12004.

[12] Schwerdtner Máñez K., S. Husain, S.C.A. Ferse & M. Máñez-Costa (2012): Water scarcity in the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi, Indonesia: past, present and future. Environmental Science and Policy 23: 74-84. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2012.07.004.

[11] Glaser M., P. Christie, K. Diele, L. Dsikowitzky, S.C.A. Ferse, I. Nordhaus, A. Schlüter, K. Schwerdtner Máñez & C. Wild (2012): Measuring and understanding sustainability-enhancing processes in tropical coastal and marine social-ecological systems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4(3): 300-308. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2012.05.004.

[10] Ferse S.C.A., L. Knittweis, G. Krause, A. Maddusila & M. Glaser (2012): Livelihoods of ornamental coral fishermen in South Sulawesi/Indonesia: implications for management. Coastal Management 40(5): 525-555. doi:10.1080/08920753.2012.694801.

[9] Madduppa H.H., S.C.A. Ferse, U. Aktani & H.W. Palm (2012): Seasonal trends and fish-habitat associations around Pari Island, Indonesia: setting a baseline for environmental monitoring. Environmental Biology of Fishes 95(3):383-398. doi:10.1007/s10641-012-0012-7.

[8] Mora C., O. Aburto-Oropeza, A. Ayala Bocos, P.M. Ayotte, S. Banks, A.G. Bauman, M. Beger, S. Bessudo, D.J. Booth, E. Brokovich, A. Brooks, P. Chabanet, J. Cinner, J. Cortés, J.J. Cruz-Motta, A. Cupul Magaña, E. DeMartini, G.J. Edgar, D.A. Feary, S.C.A. Ferse, A. Friedlander, K.J. Gaston, C. Gough, N.A.J. Graham, A. Green, H. Guzman, M. Hardt, M. Kulbicki, Y. Letourneur, A. López Pérez, M. Loreau, Y. Loya, C. Martinez, I. Mascareñas-Osorio, T. Morove, M.-O. Nadon, Y. Nakamura, G. Paredes, N.V.C. Polunin, M.S. Pratchett, H. Reyes Bonilla, F. Rivera, E. Sala, S. Sandin, G. Soler, R. Stuart-Smith, E. Tessier, D.P. Tittensor, M. Tupper, P. Usseglio, L. Vigliola, L. Wantiez, I. Williams, S.K. Wilson &. F.A. Zapata (2011): Global human footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishes. PLoS Biology 9(4): e1000606. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000606.

[7] Glaser M., I. Radjawali, S.C.A. Ferse & B. Glaeser (2010): “Nested” community participation in hierarchical societies? Lessons for social-ecological research and management. International Journal of Society Systems Science 2(4): 390-414. doi:10.1504/IJSSS.2010.035571.

[6] Glaser M., W. Baitoningsih, S.C.A. Ferse, M. Neil & R. Deswandi (2010): Whose sustainability? Top-down participation and emergent rules in marine protected area management in Indonesia. Marine Policy 34(6): 1215-1225. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2010.04.006.

[5] Ferse S.C.A. (2010): Poor performance of corals transplanted onto substrates of short durability. Restoration Ecology 18(4): 399-407. doi:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00682.x.

[4] Schwerdtner Máñez K. & S.C.A. Ferse (2010): The history of Makassan trepang fishing and trade. PLoS ONE 5(6): e11346. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011346.

[3] Ferse S.C.A., M. Máñez Costa, K. Schwerdtner Máñez, D.S. Adhuri & M. Glaser (2010): Allies, not aliens – increasing the role of local communities in MPA implementation. Environmental Conservation 37(1): 23-34. doi:10.1017/S0376892910000172.

[2] Borell E.M., S.B.C. Romatzki & S.C.A. Ferse (2010): Differential physiological responses of two congeneric scleractinian corals to mineral accretion and an electric field. Coral Reefs 29: 191-200. doi:10.1007/s00338-009-0564-y.

[1] Ferse S.C.A. & A. Kunzmann (2009): Effects of concrete-bamboo cages on coral fragments: evaluation of a low-tech method used in artisanal ocean-based coral farming. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 21: 31-49. doi:10.1080/10454430802694538.


Bücher, Buchkapitel und Tagungsbände

Glaser M., I. Radjawali, S.C.A. Ferse & B. Glaeser (2023): ‘Nested’ participation in hierarchical societies: Lessons for social–ecological research and management. Chapter 4 in: B. Glaeser & M. Glaser (eds.) Coastal Management Revisited: Navigating Towards Sustainable Human-Nature Relations. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 69-82.

Glaser M., S.C.A. Ferse, P. Christie, K. Diele, L. Dsikowitzky, I. Nordhaus, A. Schlüter, K. Schwerdtner Mañez & C. Wild (2023): Measuring and understanding sustainability-enhancing processes in tropical coastal and marine social–ecological systems. Chapter 5 in: B. Glaeser & M. Glaser (eds.) Coastal Management Revisited: Navigating Towards Sustainable Human-Nature Relations. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 83-94.

Wolff M., S.C.A. Ferse & H. Govan (2023): Introduction. Chapter 1 in: M. Wolff, S.C.A. Ferse & H. Govan (eds.) Challenges in Tropical Coastal Zone Management: Experiences and Lessons Learned. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 3-9. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17879-5_1.

Barnhart W.B. & S.C.A. Ferse (2023): Indonesia Case Study. Chapter 10 in: M. Wolff, S.C.A. Ferse & H. Govan (eds.) Challenges in Tropical Coastal Zone Management: Experiences and Lessons Learned. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 149-164. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17879-5_10.

Bauer N.R., I.J. Kittel, E. Schoenig, S.C.A. Ferse & C. Wild (2023): Thailand Case Study. Chapter 16 in: M. Wolff, S.C.A. Ferse & H. Govan (eds.) Challenges in Tropical Coastal Zone Management: Experiences and Lessons Learned. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 277-302. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17879-5_16.

Wolff M., S.C.A. Ferse & H. Govan (2023): Evaluation and Synopsis. Chapter 18 in: M. Wolff, S.C.A. Ferse & H. Govan (eds.) Challenges in Tropical Coastal Zone Management: Experiences and Lessons Learned. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 325-344. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17879-5_18.

Lahl R., S.C.A. Ferse & R. Bleischwitz (2023): Reflecting on a Research Institute’s Role as a Tool for Ocean Science Diplomacy—ZMT’s Mission to Collaborate. In: V. Ittekkot & J.K. Baweja (eds.) Science, Technology and Innovation Diplomacy in Developing Countries, Research for Development. Springer Nature, Singapore. pp. 311-328. doi:10.1007/978-981-19-6802-0_20.

Glaser M., L. Adrianto, A. Breckwoldt, N. Buhari, R. Deswandi, S.C.A. Ferse, P. Gorris, S. Husain Paragay, B. Glaeser, M. Neil, K. Schwerdtner Máñez & D. Yanuarita (2021): The governance of coastal and marine social-ecological systems: Indonesia and beyond. In: T. Jennerjahn, T. Rixen, H.E. Irianto & J. Samiaji (eds.) Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp. 407-443. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-815050-4.00008-0.

Kunzmann A., J. Schwarzbauer, H.W. Palm, M. Damriyasa, I. Yulianto, S. Kleinertz, V.S.P. Oetam, M.A. Abdul-Aziz, G. Mrotzek, H. Haryanti, H.P. Saluz, Z. Arifin, G. Baum, L. Dsikowitzky, Dwiyitno, H.E. Irianto, S. van der Wulp, K.J. Hesse, N. Ladwig, S.C.A. Ferse & A. Damar (2021): Impact of megacities on the pollution of coastal areas—the case example Jakarta Bay. In: T. Jennerjahn, T. Rixen, H.E. Irianto & J. Samiaji (eds.) Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp. 285-346. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-815050-4.00001-8.

Reuter H., A. Breckwoldt, T. Dohna, S.C.A. Ferse, A. Gärdes, M. Glaser, F. Huyghe, H. Kegler, L. Knittweis-Mifsud, M. Kochzius, W.E. Kraemer, J. Leins, M. Lukman, H. Madduppa, A. Nuryanto, M. Hui, S. Miñarro, G. Navarrete Forero, S. Husain Paragay, J. Plass-Johnson, H.A. Ratsimbazafy, C. Richter, Y. Sawall, K. Schwerdtner Máñez, M. Teichberg, J. Timm, R. van der Ven & J. Jompa (2021): Coral reef social-ecological systems under pressure in Southern Sulawesi. In: T. Jennerjahn, T. Rixen, H.E. Irianto & J. Samiaji (eds.) Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp. 143-199. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-815050-4.00005-5.

Dsikowitzky L., A. Damar, S.C.A. Ferse, H.E. Irianto, T.C. Jennerjahn, M.C. Lukas, I. Nordhaus, T. Pohlmann, J. Schwarzbauer, K. Sugama & B. Sumiono (2018): Java Island, Indonesia. In: C. Sheppard (ed.) World Seas – An Environmental Evaluation. Volume II: The Indian Ocean to the Pacific. Academic Press, Elsevier, London, UK. pp. 459-490. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-100853-9.00029-4.

Glaeser B., S.C.A. Ferse & P. Gorris (2018): Fisheries in Indonesia between livelihoods and environmental degradation: Coping strategies in the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi. In: P. Guillotreau, A. Bundy & R.I. Perry (eds.) Global Change in Marine Systems. Societal and Governing Responses. Routledge-RSECS, London. pp. 67-82.

Bejarano S., S. Pardede, S. Campbell & S.C.A. Ferse (2017): Herbivorous fishes respond to changes in fishing gear but not to spatial management in an Indonesian national park. 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 2-6. October 2017. Book of Abstracts: 149.

McAndrews R., S.C.A. Ferse & S. Bejarano (2017): Where fishing meets function: the intersection of spearfishing selectivity and functional roles of herbivorous fishes on Fijian coral reefs. 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 2-6. October 2017. Book of Abstracts: 161.

Prinz N., S.C.A. Ferse, R. Story, S. Lyon & S. Bejarano (2017): To feed or not to feed? Artificial feeding affects coral reef fish functions (Aitutaki, Cook Islands). 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 2-6. October 2017. Book of Abstracts: 479.

Ferse S.C.A. (2017). Bei Fischern, Paten und Piraten – sozial-ökologische Studien im Spermonde Archipel, Süd-Sulawesi. In: G. Hempel, I. Hempel & A.-K. Hornidge (eds.) Klüger nutzen – besser schützen. Bremer Forschung an tropischen Küsten. Edition Falkenberg. pp. 103-105. [in German]

Lee S., S.C.A. Ferse, A. Ford, C. Wild & S. Mangubhai (2017): Effect of sea cucumber density on the health of reef-flat sediments. In: S. Mangubhai, W. Lalavanua & S.W. Purcell (eds.) Fiji’s Sea Cucumber Fishery: Advances in Science for Improved Management. Wildlife Conservation Society. Report No. 01/17. Suva, Fiji. pp. 54–61.

Kegler P., H.F. Kegler, A. Kunzmann, A. Gärdes, Y.R. Alfiansah, M. Lukman, C. Hassenrück & S.C.A. Ferse (2016): Different levels of anthropogenic impact influence coral larvae settlement and bacterial biofilm communities in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, 20-24 June 2016, Honolulu, HI, USA. 145-157.

Bejarano Chavarro S., J.-B. Jouffray, I. Chollet-Ordaz, R. Allen, G. Roff, R. Steneck, S.C.A. Ferse & P. Mumby (2016): Filtering of coral reef fish herbivory along a gradient of wave exposure. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA, 20-24. June 2016. Book of Abstracts: 25.

Cakacaka A., S.C.A. Ferse, A. Breckwoldt & M. Glaser (2016): Livelihood vulnerability of coastal communities to changes in marine resource use: case study of Fiji and Solomon Islands. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA, 20-24. June 2016. Book of Abstracts: 47.

Dajka J.C., S.C.A. Ferse, E.M. Schönig & C. Wild (2016): The links between coral reef fish body sizes, their home range sizes, and structural complexity on a coral reef of Koh Phangan, lower Gulf of Thailand. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA, 20-24. June 2016. Book of Abstracts: 76.

Eich A., A.K. Ford, M.M. Nugues, C. Wild & S.C.A. Ferse (2016): Coral-algal competition indicates a negative impact of land runoff from rural communities on coral reefs in Fiji. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA, 20-24. June 2016. Book of Abstracts: 93.

Ford A.K., A. Eich, R. McAndrews, S. Bejarano, S. Mangubhai, B. Moore, C. Wild & S.C.A. Ferse (2016): Inconsistencies between traditional and new monitoring techniques for assessing coral reef resilience: an example from Fijian locally managed marine areas. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA, 20-24. June 2016. Book of Abstracts: 105.

Lee S.D., C. Wild, A. Ford, S. Mangubhai & S.C.A. Ferse (2016): The role of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra as a coral reef ecosystem engineer in Fiji. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA, 20-24. June 2016. Book of Abstracts: 192.

McAndrews R.S., S. Bejarano, A.K. Ford, A. Eich & S.C.A. Ferse (2016): Plasticity of herbivorous fish function in response to fisheries and water quality in Fiji. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA, 20-24. June 2016. Book of Abstracts: 218.

Rohe J.R. & S.C.A. Ferse (2016): Unravelling compliance dynamics within locally managed marine areas in Solomon Islands and Fiji. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA, 20-24. June 2016. Book of Abstracts: 293.

Glaser M., A. Breckwoldt, D. Henke, S.C.A. Ferse, S. Husain & M. Neil (2015): Perceptions of the reef and behaviour towards it: Differentials between divers and non-divers in Spermonde reef fisheries. SIRTRE 2015: Small Islands Research in Tropical Regions – The Spermonde Archipelago and other Case Studies. 15-16. September 2015, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia. Book of Abstracts: 19.

Glaser M., A. Breckwoldt, S.C.A. Ferse, R. Deswandi, I. Radjawali & W. Baitoningsih (2015): Of exploited reefs and fishers: A holistic view on participatory coastal and marine management in the Spermonde Archipelago. SIRTRE 2015: Small Islands Research in Tropical Regions – The Spermonde Archipelago and other Case Studies. 15-16. September 2015, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia. Book of Abstracts: 54.

Kegler P., H. Schwieder, A. Gärdes, S.C.A. Ferse, Y.R. Alfiansah, M. Lukman & A. Kunzmann (2015): Identifying correlations of scleractinian coral larvae settlement with bacterial biofilm communities and dominant environmental parameters in Spermonde, Indonesia. SIRTRE 2015: Small Islands Research in Tropical Regions – The Spermonde Archipelago and other Case Studies. 15-16. September 2015, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia. Book of Abstracts: 30.

Plass-Johnson J.G., S.C.A. Ferse, J. Jompa, C. Wild & M. Teichberg (2015): Fish herbivory as key ecological function in a heavily degraded coral reef system. SIRTRE 2015: Small Islands Research in Tropical Regions – The Spermonde Archipelago and other Case Studies. 15-16. September 2015, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia. Book of Abstracts: 39.

Teichberg M., J.G. Plass-Johnson, H. Schwieder, V. Bednarz, J. Heiden, A. Gärdes, S.C.A. Ferse, M. Lukman & C. Wild (2015): Linkages between water quality and coral reef benthic and pelagic communities along a nearshore to offshore gradient in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. SIRTRE 2015: Small Islands Research in Tropical Regions – The Spermonde Archipelago and other Case Studies. 15-16. September 2015, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia. Book of Abstracts: 49.

Bejarano Chavarro S., G. Roff, A. Marshall, I. Chollet-Ordaz, J.-B. Jouffray, R. Steneck, S.C.A. Ferse & P. Mumby (2014): Wave exposure a bidirectional force structuring herbivorous fish communities. Reef Conservation UK 2014, 6. December 2014, London, UK. Book of Abstracts: 2.

Schwerdtner Màñez K. & S.C.A. Ferse (2013): A window into the past – the role of historical material in reconstructing marine resource use over time. 7th Meeting of the European Association of South East Asian Studies, 2-5. July 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. Book of Abstracts: 366.

Deswandi R., M. Glaser & S.C.A. Ferse (2012): What makes a Social System Resilient? Two Fishing Communities in Indonesia. In A.-K. Hornidge & C. Antweiler (eds.) Environmental Uncertainty and Local Knowledge. Southeast Asia as a Laboratory of Global Ecological Change. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld. pp. 243-272.

Ferse S.C.A., M. Glaser, C. Schultz & J. Jompa (2012): Linking research to Indonesia’s CTI Action Plan: the SPICE Program. Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, 9-13 July 2012, Cairns, Australia. 17A-1.

Glaser M., W. Baitoningsih, S.C.A. Ferse, M. Neil & R. Deswandi (2012): Whose sustainability? Top-down participation in MPA management in Indonesia. Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, 9-13 July 2012, Cairns, Australia. 22A-2.

Nugues M. & S.C.A. Ferse (2011): Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Korallenriffen. Chapter 5.5 in J.L. Lozán, H. Graßl, L. Karbe & K. Reise (eds.) Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen und Risiken. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg. pp. 330-336. [in German]

Ferse S.C.A., L. Knittweis, A. Maddusila, M. Glaser & G. Krause (2010): Livelihood diversity of ornamental fishermen and implications for management in South Sulawesi/Indonesia. In J. Kaandorp, E. Meesters, R. Osinga, J. Verreth & T. Wijgerde (eds.) Euro ISRS Symposium 2010. Reefs in a changing environment. 13-17. December, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Book of Abstracts: 146.

Glaser M. & S.C.A. Ferse (2010): Towards a strong basis for coastal conservation: building upon emergent rules and institutions to increase management effectiveness. In J. Kaandorp, E. Meesters, R. Osinga, J. Verreth & T. Wijgerde (eds.) Euro ISRS Symposium 2010. Reefs in a changing environment. 13-17. December, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Book of Abstracts: 142.

Ferse S.C.A., K. Schwerdtner Màñez & A. Kunzmann (2010): Gems of the sea – Assessing the economic potential of ornamental coral reef fishes. Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis. ISEE Conference, 22-25. August 2010, Oldenburg, Germany. Programme and Abstracts: 131.

Ferse S.C.A. (2009): Multivariate responses of the coral reef fish community to artificial structures and coral transplants. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, 6-11 July 2008, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Vol. II: 1230-1234.

Ferse S.C.A. (2008): Artificial Reefs and Coral Transplantation. Fish Community Responses and Effects on Coral Recruitment in North Sulawesi/Indonesia. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, Germany. 244 p.

Ferse S.C.A. (2008): Reef rehabilitation and natural recovery: does transplantation of coral fragments increase natural recruitment? 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, 6-11 July 2008, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Abstracts: 531.

Ferse S.C.A. & S.B.C. Romatzki (2006): Effects of an electric field on the growth and survival of two Acropora species. ISRS European Meeting, 19-22 September 2006, Bremen. Programme and Abstracts: 279.

Ferse S.C.A. (2006): Coral transplantation increases fish abundance and diversity on artificial reefs. ISRS European Meeting, 19-22 September 2006, Bremen. Programme and Abstracts: 278.


Wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten

Ferse S.C.A. (2008): Artificial reef structures and coral transplantation: fish community responses and effects on coral recruitment in North Sulawesi/Indonesia. PhD Thesis, Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie (ZMT), Universität Bremen. 169 p.

Ferse S.C.A. (2004): Growing corals in an ocean-based nursery: The use of cages. MSc Thesis, Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie (ZMT), Universität Bremen. 64 p.

Weitere Publikationen

Fluegel R., S.C.A. Ferse, H. Kegler, R. Lahl, J. Lobmüller & P.M. Tuda (2022): Co-design as the basis for collaboration and science to policy uptake in the Western Indian Ocean Region. In J.M. Maina (ed.) WIO Science to Policy Platform Series Vol 1 Issue 1. WIOMSA and Nairobi Convention, Zanzibar, Tanzania. pp. 63-67.

Ramessur R.T., N. Shaltout, S. Sherif, A. Bantelman, T. Eakes, P. Swarzenski, S. Dupont, S.C.A. Ferse, H. Kelsey & P. Ziveri (2021): Ocean Acidification in Africa. Newsletter prepared in anticipation of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland on 31 October-12 November 2021. Ocean Acidification Africa Hub, Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network, The Ocean Foundation, International Atomic Energy Agency-Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre, and Future Earth Coasts. 4 p.

Ferse S.C.A., M. Fujitani & R. Lahl (2021): Planning and conducting co-design in collaborative marine research projects – a guidance. Version 1.0. Editors A. van Hoek, A. Schneider & C. Schnepper. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany. 28 p. doi:10.21244/zmt.2021.002.

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Ferse S.C.A. & J.E. Cinner (2020): Managing for multiple functions of coral reefs. ECO magazine Coral Reefs special issue: 56-59.

Ferse S.C.A., S. Bejarano, A. Cakacaka, A. Ford & J. Rohe (2020): Wissenschaftlicher Abschlussbericht für das Vorhaben REPICORE - Resilienz von sozial-ökologischen Korallenriffsystemen pazifischer Inseln in Zeiten globalen Wandels, FK 01LN1303A. Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen, Germany. 217 p. [in German]

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Herz N., S.C.A. Ferse, Y.R. Alfiansah & A. Kunzmann (2016): High-performance liquid chromatography to detect thiocyanate in reef fish caught with cyanide: A practical field application. SPC Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin 21:8-16.

UN (2015): Global Sustainable Development Report, 2015 Edition. Contributor to Chapter 3 (The Oceans, Seas, Marine Resources and Human Well-being Nexus.

Ferse S.C.A. (2014): Fischerpaten und Seegurken – komplexe Mensch-Natur-Beziehungen im indonesischen Archipel. KITA, das Magazin der deutsch-indonesischen Gesellschaft 23(2): 24-29.

Bell J., M. Batty, P. Lehodey, K. Brander, S.C.A. Ferse, J.E. Rogier & G. Rücker (2012): Climate Change, Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Pacific. PACE-NET Key Stakeholder Conference ‘Strengthening Pacific-European Collaboration in Research, Development and Innovation’, Brussels, 20-23 March 2012. Policy Brief #4, Working Draft, July 2012. 24 p.

Ferse S.C.A., H. Asmus, D. Kneer, M. Kochzius, Y. Sawall, S. Schiel & M. Schulz (2011): Wissenschaftlicher Abschlussbericht für das Vorhaben Dynamik und wechselseitige Verknüpfung der Prozesse in Korallenriffen, tropischen Seegraswiesen und der Wassersäule. Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems Phase II, Cluster 1: Coral-Reef Based Ecosystems and Resources, FK 03F0472A-C. Leibniz-Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany. 241 p. [in German]

Glaser M., S.C.A. Ferse, M. Flitner, G. Krause, M. Lukas, & K. Schwerdtner Máñez (2011): Wissenschaftlicher Abschlussbericht für das Vorhaben SPICE II, Cluster 6: Governance und Management sozial-ökologischer Küstensysteme, FK 03F0474A. Leibniz-Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany. 92 p. [in German]

Schwerdtner Máñez K, M. Glaser, S.C.A. Ferse, H. Wiederhold, H. Sulzbacher (2011): Danger from below: Groundwater protection on small islands- its importance must not be underestimated. In: Water – Beware! Zwischenruf 1/2011. Leibniz-Gemeinschaft e.V., Berlin, Germany: 42-46.

Ferse S.C.A. (2011): Regenwälder der Meere. Sozioökonomische Ansätze zur Rettung indonesischer Korallenriffe. labor&more 1.11: 44-47. [in German]

Glaser M., S.C.A. Ferse & K. Schwerdtner Máñez (2009): Wissenschaftlicher Zwischenbericht 2008 für das Vorhaben SPICE II, Cluster 6: Governance und Management sozial-ökologischer Küstensysteme, FK 03F0474A. Leibniz-Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany. 32 p. [in German]

Ferse S.C.A. (2008): Electrifying North Sulawesi. X-ray mag 24: 38-43.

Ferse S.C.A. (2006): Coral growth. What’s Happening 11(1): 3-5.